John-In-The-Wilderness Church - Mallital (Shukhatal)
St John In The Wilderness is one of the earliest buildings erected
in Nainital and possibly the finest church in any Indian Hill
station. The church was named by the bishop of Calcutta who
came to Nainital in 1844, when the place was still very much
a wilderness. St John In The Wilderness church contains a brass
memorial to the victims of famous landslip. Bodies of few victims
were buried in the graveyard here.
Cementry Tour
Lost in the time wrap are the grave yards of the British who
lived and died in Nainital. The Old Church of Saint John in
the Woods has one such Cementry that you could explore. The
Church itself with its stained glass windows and ancient wood
pews is a place worth visiting.
John-In-The-Wilderness Church - Mallital (Shukhatal - 1860)
John in the Wilderness, Nynee Tal," from ‘Album of Indian Views’, John Edward
Saché in the 1860s
First Methodist Church in India - India's first Methodist Church - The Mall
Oldest Methodist Church in India - The Mall Mallital
First Methodist Church in India - The Mall Mallital
First Methodist Church in India - The Mall Mallital
St. Francis Catholic Church is also known as Lake Church
Rev. Fr. Maeken, the first resident priest of the Agra Vicariate,
built the church dedicated to St. Francis of Assisi in 1868.
This is also known as “Lake Church”. Later on it proved small
for the increasing congregation and hence rebuilding of the
present church began in 1907 and blessed on 23 rd May 1909 by
Archbishop of Agra, His Excellency Charles Genteli. Now it belongs
to the Catholic Diocese of Bareilly.
Summer - Mass on Sunday 9.00 A.M. Mass on Weekdays 7.00 A.M.
Winter - Mass on Sunday 9.30 A.M. Mass on Weekdays 7.30 A.M.
Francis Church - Lake Church - The Mall Tallital
Francis Church - Lake Church - The Mall Tallital
near Sattal
to Religious Places in Nainital