Honeymoon Ideas and Tips
Honeymoon allows couples to discover
each other. Many people say that for
a honeymoon we do not need any honeymoon
Ideas and Tips. But, according to us
if one takes honeymoon very lightly
one cannot enjoy one's honeymoon with
a true spirit. Do not take your honeymoon
in a lighter vein if you really want
to make it special. Honeymoon Ideas
and Tips are for your assistance while
planning your honeymoon travel. Honeymoon
does not mean making love after marriage.
Honeymoon is beyond that. Honeymoon
is a time to know each other well so
that you can make your life heaven by
developing a good understanding. You
can make your honeymoon vacation the
most unforgettable event of your life
by following honeymoon Ideas and Tips:

Decide your honeymoon destination along
with your partner. Do not assume yourself
that she/he will love to be at the destination
you choose. Search for a commonly liked
exotic honeymoon destination.
a budget for your honeymoon and decide
everything in advance.
not go for your honeymoon the very next
day of your marriage.
not go by the advices of your family
and friends. Only gather information
from them and follow your heart. In
any case do not forget to seek advise
of your beloved.
not forget to take a camera with you
so as not to miss the charm of the new
romantic destination.
If you are planning your romantic getaways
abroad, make sure to update the passport
of the new bride with new address and
married name.
A honeymoon gift will surely enhance
the warmth of love between you two.
Give a gift of memento or romantic item
to your partner.
Romantic Tips
Give the gift of time (wristwatch) with
this inscription: "I'll always have
time for you."
Send a dozen roses: 11 red roses and
1 white one. The note: "In every bunch
there's one who stands out - and you
are that one."
Something for the Honeymoon or anniversary....
a lottery ticket and a note: "I hit
the jackpot when I married you."
Scatter rose petals all over the bed.
Hide a love note in his pants pocket.
Other places to hide a small note:
* under the pillow * in his shaving
kit * between the pages he/she is reading
Make a habit of taking a stroll after
dinner every evening.
"Women fall in love through their ears,
men fall in love through their eyes."
Woodrow Wyatt.
When dining, share everything: your
meals and desserts.
Before getting out of bed, face your
partner, give him/her a kiss and say:
"I'm so thankful I have you in my life."
Hide a pair of earrings in a box of
Shower together by candlelight.
Give her your jacket when she is chilly.
Inspiration for long time lovers: "The
older the violin, the sweeter the music"
- Anonymous
Sprinkle perfume on to light bulb. When
light is turned on the scent of the
perfume will fill the room.
Play "hide-and-seek" in the rain. It's
fun and VERY sensual!

Honeymoon Tips To Enhance Your Honeymoon

A Uttarakhand Honeymoon Package