- Climate Auli |
is a good month to visit Auli. Moderately Cold Weather.
Moderately Cold Temperature varies from 7 to 17°C.
April is cold but perfect for all tourist activities.
Day times are bit warm, but nights are colder.
wise Weather Condition Details :-
January :- Freezing Cold with Snowfall. Temperature
varies from -4 to 7°C. January has a freezing climate
with snowfall. The snow clad nature is imposing
and ideal for winter sports.
February :- Freezing Cold with Snowfall.
Temperature varies from 0 to 10°C. February is snow
bound with nature appears with eye catching white
cover. Good for winter travels. March: Very Cold
Temperature varies from 4 to 14°C.
March :- Offers reprieve for the freezing
cold. The atmosphere starts to become warm. April:
Moderately Cold Temperature varies from 7 to 17°C.
April :- Is cold but perfect for all tourist
activities. Day times are bit warm, but nights are
May :- Moderately Cold Temperature varies
from 7 to 18°C. May is moderately hot with sun appears
over the sky most of the days. Good for outdoor
June :- Pleasant Temperature varies from
10 to 20°C. June is the hottest month of the year.
The atmosphere is temperate. The nature looks attractive
and suitable for tourist activities. July: Pleasant
Temperature varies from 7 to 18°C.
July :- has beautiful showers in its kitty.
The nature dresses in new lush green new leaves.
Good for enjoying the picturesque nature.
August :- Moderately Cold Temperature varies
from 7 to 15°C. August is pretty good with picturesque
nature and flowering plants and trees. August offers
moderately warm climate.
September :- Moderately Cold Temperature
varies from 7 to 15°C. September is humid with post
monsoon showers. The nature appears fresh. October:
Very Cold Temperature varies from 5 to 14°C.
October :- Welcomes winters with all its
majesty. The climate is moderately cold. November:
Very Cold Temperature varies from 4 to 14°C.
November :- Offers a very cold ambiance.
This month is ideal for Honeymoon travels.
December :- Very Cold Temperature varies
from 2 to 10°C. December is very cold. Outdoor activities
require winter dresses and often snowfall is seen.